School Work

 So this remote learning/homeschooling thing has been pretty tough. The work itself hasn't been that bad, in fact its been pretty good at easing us in as new to the program. The problems we have been having is trying to create and stick with the schedule for schooling! The whole program is very loose with time; Ledger can do his work at 8am, noon, or 8pm. As long as it gets done it doesn't matter when. Though that flexibility is really nice, it has left us unstructured, which doesn't work so well for Ledger. We started with a definite school start time, needing to be dressed and ready to work. But as the year has gone on, we are starting much later with him usually in his pajamas! He works for about 45 minutes and then gets too wiggly and complainy to continue. We give him breaks but it takes so much prodding to get him back to the work. He talks about how its so takes up so much of the day, but honestly he usually gets everything done in about 2-3 hours. We try to remind him that if he were in normal school it would be for 7 hours per day! One benefit of this schooling set up is that we get to spend a little extra time on the stuff he actually likes! He recently had a lesson on different countries around the world. I asked him if he knew where they were located on a map and he didn't. Well, we just so happen to have a six foot map laying around so we pulled it out and spent the next half hour checking out some of the places and learning about geography stuff! He really loved the different flags at the bottom of the map!

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