Let It Grow

When the pandemic hit there were a lot of things that changed. One of the biggest changes was that everything closed down for a long time. This included hair cut places. I figured since I couldn't go get a hair cut anyway, I figured I'd just let mine grow out. Well, its been a year and a half and I still haven't been to the barber yet... I've always loved having long hair. I used to have long hair in high school and college, but once I entered the professional world I haven't been able to have long hair. My current job does not have any sort of professional expectation- I work in a warehouse! I figured that this will probably be the last time in my life I'd be able to grow my hair out again, so I took advantage. It's getting pretty long now! Diana likes it, so I'm thinking I'll keep it going as long as I can. Might as well, because if I don't grow it out now I don't think I will ever be able to do it again. It's pretty thin already and it's only going to get worse...

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