Kerby Christmas

 Seriously? Another Christmas? This is starting to get ridiculous! Barbara and James must have been feeling left out, because they decided they wanted to come visit and give Ledger gifts as well. Ledge was all in on this idea- his favorite auntie and more prizes? Count him in!
We were excited to have them come visit, but made sure to be very careful- Barbara works in the COVID ward in the hospital in South Bend, so it was especially important to be safe. They arrived and we had a nice afternoon of chatting, but Barbara is never content with just chatting, so we pulled out one of our board games and played a good old fashioned game of Life! It may have been a bit complicated for Ledger, this was his first time playing, after all. But he did well and ended up really liking it!
Of course, they didn't leave without giving him a few gifts as well. I tell you what, it has been so nice to have guests again and be able to socialize in person. There have been a bunch of Christmases, but we have really loved each and every visit!

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