That's the Ticket

I'm a bit of a movie fan. I love watching movies at home, but nothing compares to the transcendent experience of seeing a film in the theater! I've been obsessed with going to the movie theater my whole life. Growing up in a family that didn't really care for movies much, it usually fell on me to pester and pester until they would take me to see a movie (sorry Mom and Dad...). Usually I would be able to talk them into seeing something, but they eventually got sick of it and started letting me go see movies by myself. I remember the first movie I got to see by myself was Ducktales: The Movie, which means I was only 10 years old and they left me at the theater by myself! Crazy! Whenever I would see a movie I made sure to save my ticket stub for it. I've been stuffing them away for the past 30+ years! I happened upon one of those old stashes of stubs recently and was looking through them. Most of the really old ones were blank because the ink had worn off them over the years. The oldest one in the bunch that I could still make out was for Home Alone 2 from 1992 (which I remember seeing with Adam and his mom at the theater in Holland). I saw a great idea recently of what to do with them- put them in the clear case of the DVD. So I collected up all the old stubs I've got and went through my collection and put them with the DVD I have. Now I have a new goal: to own every DVD that I have a movie stub for!

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