A Dozen Years

 It's been 12 years since I first married this gorgeous woman, and I haven't regretted it for even a second! I've always heard that marriage is so difficult. I 'm wondering when the hard part starts? We have been so incredibly lucky in that the more time we spend together the more time we want to spend together! Somehow she hasn't grown tired of me, and I am just continually amazed that she would want to spend any time with me let along every single day! The jokes, the laughs, the looks, and the support I get from her every day is more than enough to fill my tank and keep me going. Maybe it's the 13th year that's the hard one? I don't figure though. We've been through so much together and grown so much with each other that I don't honestly think I could imagine a single day without her- and fortunately I don't have to! 
Here's to several dozen more great years together!

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