A Friend Visits

 It's been too long since Ledger had any social interaction with someone his age. We are 8 months into the pandemic at this point and Ledger has been homeschooled that whole time, so he hasn't had much casual social interactions with fellow kids. It's mostly just been Diana, myself, and him. There have been family visits and that sort of thing, but hardly anything with his peers. We finally had an opportunity to change that- we invited Zeke over to play! Almost every day he and his sisters stay had his grandparent's house until his parents get home from work. Zeke's grandparents live just down the way, so we finally were comfortable and able to set up a play date for the boys. Zeke came over and Ledge got to have some much needed time with friends! The two of them had a blast running from his room to the basement, playing with all the different toys and fun stuff Ledger has. Their favorite was a little remote controlled robot that brought them so many laughs and silliness! What a relief- it was so nice to see him relating and playing with someone his own age again. I don't know what impact this pandemic will have on Ledger's social development, but It was great to see him have the change to be a normal kid again for the afternoon!

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