Driveway Fireworks

The 4th of July is here and that means its time for fireworks! Last year we had our own fireworks display and had so much fun doing it that we decided to do it again this year. A couple days before the 4th Ledger and I went to one of the many fireworks stands that always pop up in empty parking lots this time of year. I had brought $40 and told him he could get whatever fireworks he wanted with that amount. He was delighted and went about gathering up his arsenal. The challenge, of course, was trying to keep track of how much each one was and how much money he had left to spend- a nice little math lesson! When we arrived home Ledge got to show off his explosive booty to his mom! He was kind of annoyed that he had to wait until the 4th, but the anticipation just made it that much sweeter.
When dusk hit, we pulled out a few outdoor chairs (and our deck end table) and Ledger set up shop with all the fireworks. One by one he picked out which one we would shoot off next. There were a bunch of different ones- some smoke bombs, some roman candles, some zippers- everything a young heart could desire! By the time it was too dark to see we were on our last couple fireworks. Ledger was absolutely delighted with the variety and fun time we had! At the end of the night we brought in our chairs and table; tomorrow we'll worry about the mess.

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