Easter Hunt

 Even though I wasn't able to be there, Diana and I still wanted Ledger to have a good old fashioned egg hunt! Usually we go to Mema and Papa's for Easter and they do an egg hunt in the back yard with Ledger's cousins, but this year Diana was kind of on her own with this one. I picked up some plastic eggs and candy and the Saturday night, after the boy went to bed, we filled up the eggs and hid them around the living room and kitchen.
Diana said he had a lot of fun going around and trying to find all the hidden eggs. She let him have some of the candy, but put the rest in a container for him to grab one or two with each meal until they are all gone (though, more accurately, until he forgets...).
That evening when he took his bath he brought a few of the plastic eggs in with him and had a blast playing in the water with them!

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