Return to the Flea

 It's Memorial Day weekend- summer is here! Every year Sandy Pines has a flea market on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I haven't been able to go for years due to working Saturdays, but I took this one off so we could go and enjoy the day with my parents at Sandy Pines!
It was always a favorite of mine growing up to go to the flea markets at Sandy. There used to be so many different booths, each one packed full of different strange junk they were trying to sell. It's not as good any more, with most of the booths filled with whatever pyramid scheme sell-at-home racket that's popular at the minute (LuLaRoe anyone?). Its a lot more rare to actually find a booth that's selling something that I would actually want to look through. At least there were still a few places selling different toys and such, so that kept Ledger's interest. My mom, as always, loaded up at the booth selling plants. She picks up a bunch of different potted plants and hanging baskets to decorate around their lot, so the first flea market of the summer is a big deal for her. It was fun to relive the flea market experience, but I don't think I'll need to go to them anymore.

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