Diana's Basement

Now that I've got a place carved out in the basement to hang out and watch movies, Diana is a bit jealous. She decided that she needs to have a place down there too so we can hang out together. She and I have different hobbies and interests so we don't always get to do our thing together, but we love to be with each other, so this is the perfect solution: we can both do things we love and still be near! We found a table and some bins so she can do her crafts and artwork just a few feet away from me as I watch movies and do other work at my table. A perfect solution for both of us! The only problem for Diana is that it's in the basement, and the basement is always cold. To me that's one of it's best features, but to her that's not ok- she's an icicle in normal weather, so when it's cold she gets frozen solid! Fortunately we have a heat dish to keep her warm. Ledger's got a play area downstairs too, so he likes to come and hang out as well, sometimes enjoying the heat dish as well...

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