time out

for a while now we have been doing the 'time out' thing with ledger.  ever since he turned two he's been able to understand what it means to get a time out.  we had a pack-and-play type crib set up in the dining room corner where we would bring him when he was being naughty.  we have a two minute timer that we start when he is put in it.  oh boy, does he hate it!  when we put him in there he would whine and scream and cry!  i guess that let us know that it was working, right?  well, now he's getting old enough to take responsibility for himself.  when he's being bad he knows it, sometimes when we reprimand him he asks us 'i get timeout?', so clearly he understands the idea.  well, with that level of understanding, he should also be able to be responsible for his behavior during time outs.  that means its time to put away the pack-and-play and just give him a time out chair.  he's been doing very well with it, he actually stays in the chair when he has been put in it!  i'm so proud of him!  well, i'm not very happy that he needs to be put in the chair, but i'm impressed that he stays there.  oh, conflicting emotions...

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