someones in the kitchen with mema...

mom loves to cook and bake. over the holiday she was quite pleased to have diana and i there because that meant she got to cook and bake even more! there were days on end where it seemed like mom never left the kitchen- and she was in her glory! here's the thing: whether she wanted it or not, she always seemed to have a furry little guest in the kitchen watching her every move- poco! we would be in the living room and trying to call him over to us, but he never came, he was much too busy watching and waiting for a crumb to fall from the counter so he could snap up whatever mom was making.
i'm pretty sure he gained about two pounds over this week, which doesnt sound like much until you realize that he is only seven pounds to begin with! back to your healthy dog food poco- youve got some weight to lose! (just like the rest of us...)


mb said...

Amen to that!! I wish I only had 2 to lose :(

mb said...

thanks for the comment mom, but i think your computer is still logged in as me...