my lobster valentine

with valentines day being saturday and all, i figured i should probably take diana out... i didn't do so well with planning ahead, so i forgot to make a reservation at a restaurant. i got done helping her mom and step dad around 5:30pm, and i had till 7 to pick her up from work. i drove around for a while and put my name in to a few different places, some of which told me they wouldn't be able to get us a seat until 9:00pm! yikes!
i decided on red lobster, it was going to be a two hour wait, but by the time i would pick her up from work, we would only have about thirty more minutes to wait. when we got there the waiting room was too packed, so we waited in the car. finally we went in and just in time too! about one minute after we got in from the car our table was called.
we had a great time just hanging out and laughing together. i'm pretty sure i am going to like this whole 'spending the rest of our lives together' thing.

1 comment:

Captainbananapants said...

Mark your blog is so cute. You and Diana truly are the royalty of Burger King. Thanks for preteding my "chicken" was edable on taco night!