down with the sickness

this past weekend i headed up to grand rapids. i went up friday night and had planned to see the guys, but things didn't work out like i had planned...
aaron and rex were both sick, so they went to bed early. jeffry lee and freddie had planned to go and meet up for a little while with some friends from work. i got into town to late to join them, jeffry lee said they wouldn't be too long and were up for something afterwards, so we made plans to go see a flick.
i figured i could kill some time by stopping over at tim and jills place. jill was out with friends, so i stopped by and hung out with timmy for a while. we had a good time chatting and watching 'sarah conner chronicles'. at one point in the night a tiny voice came from the hallway 'daddy? i need a bowl...' and then there were some unpleasant sounds that followed... tim raced over and brought tweets to the bathroom. after a bit of sickness, tim put her in the shower and got her cleaned off. she sat down in the living room afterward and tim brushed her hair and got her ready for bed again. she seemed in pretty good spirits, considering...
i never did get that call from jeffry lee. undaunted, i headed to the theater and watched the movie anyway! (my thoughts on the movie are here)

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