The Tree is Stocked

Ledger is always so hard to put to bed on the night before Christmas, as I'm sure  all all kids! We made a valiant effort of wearing him out earlier in the day, playing outside and keeping him moving. After much speculation from the boy about what tomorrow might bring, he finally went to bed. Those sugar plum ferries must have been dancing pretty hard because once he was in bed he actually fell asleep pretty quickly! Now the busy work begins... I rounded up all the gifts we got Ledger and brought them down to the basement. Then I had to make quick work of wrapping the mountain of prizes. Diana professes that she doesn't know now to wrap a gift well, and I'm not one to argue with my wife... That means its up to me to get them all wrapped and ready. Two hours later I was finally done! (Don't get me wrong, there aren't enough packages to fill two hours worth of wrapping, I was just watching a movie while I did it) I made a couple trips up to the tree and filled it as full as possible! We got him many (too many) gifts and I know he is going to have a great Christmas morn! There is one gift in particular that we are excited to give him...

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