Hair Today...

My hair has gotten kinda long... I have always loved having long hair. It wasn't really something that my mom and dad were not very happy about when I was growing up. My older brother had long hair for a little while when he was in high school, so fortunately got the brunt end of punishment and disappointment from my parents. By the time I wanted to grow my hair out it was already old hat for them. They still didn't like it and complained about it to me all the time, but I still went ahead and grew my hair out. My Junior and part of my Senior year I had longer hair. Eventually my mom bribed me into cutting it, which I always regretted.
When I was in college a few friends and I decided that we were going to grow our hair out together. Two of the guys had curly hair, so they had an awesomely big afro by the end! I kept it long for the next year and a half, only cutting it a little so that I could get a respectable senior picture. It was kind of important because the pictures we submit for our senior picture were photos they would send out to schools across the country as prospective new teachers for them to hire. I cut it a little, but not too much. I figured 'Sure, I need to look respectable, but I am trying to be an Art teacher, after all, they kind of expect a little strangeness, right?'. Well, it worked and I got a job. I oscillated between longer and shorter while I taught in Salt Lake City. Once it was time to get a new job again I had my hair nice and trim. I was applying to be a Bible teacher by then, so I had to look very clean cut and presentable. I kept that Bible teacher job for 12 years and during that time I never tried to grow my hair out. By the time I left that job I figured my time for long hair had passed. Not that I no longer wanted long hair, rather, the unfortunate reality of male pattern baldness was starting to creep in... 
Then the pandemic hit. My hair was already getting kinda shaggy when the whole thing started, and with the fact that there was no where to get a haircut during that time, I thought I'd just let it grow and see what happened. Diana decided that she kinda liked the long hair, so that was all the excuse I needed- no haircuts for me! It's been almost two years since I had a haircut and I love it! It is a great joy to me that I can have long hair one last time before the MPB monster steals it from me once and for all. I usually wear it down, but I have on occasion, just because I can, put it into a man bun. I honestly don't care if my long hair looks terrible or not because I love it.

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