Meme Mystery

 So there I was, minding my own business, scrolling through Reddit, when I came across this meme. Kind of cute, isn't it? A harmless little meme meant to be an encouragement to those who read it. It's lovely. But as soon as I saw it I freaked out! Why? Well, there's something in particular about it that shocked me. It's a bottle of soda and a drawing of a stick. But here's the thing, that's MY drawing of a stick! What?!? You may have noticed that the name of my blog is 'Poke It With A Stick'. Did you also notice in the banner for this blog that there is a drawing of a stick? Well, way back in 2005 when I created this blog I drew that stick on a piece of paper, scanned it in, and did the photoshop thing and made that banner. Somehow someone took the stick I had drawn and turned it into clipart? I honestly have no idea! That is definitely the stick I drew, but how did it find it's way onto this meme? Seriously, how did this happen? It's a mystery I'm sure I'll never solve, but it is kind of strange that my drawing is a part of a meme...

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