Doggy Steps

That pup of ours is so small that he can't even jump on to the bed. Granted, he's got bad hips so he should really be trying, but the bed is too tall for him to make it on. We've been lifting him up every time, but that gets really old and kinda hard to do when laying on the bed, so it was time to find a different solution. I had an idea... We have a bunch of left over wood from when we did the deck, so I rooted around and slapped together this creation. I didn't want the steps to be too tall and the whole thing needed to be pretty thin so it wasn't in the way of either one of us getting out of bed. I got to work in the garage and made it. I brought it in and he was not at all interested in it at first. I was able to coax him up a time or two with treats at each step, but he was pretty skeptical about it right from the start. With enough treats though, you can make a dog (especially our food motivated pup) do just about anything! He's getting used to it at this point and we just have to pat the bed and he's willing to hop up his lil doggy steps to get some cuddling! Mission accomplished!  

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