rolly comics

Recently we were in Kalamazoo for the afternoon doing some shopping.  we had gone to a few places just for Diana, so I figured I could suggest a place to go just for me: the comic book shop!  Well, it turned out that it wasn't just for me, Ledger was all about that place!  We walked in and he was amazed at all the cool stuff that was there!  He did his usual thing of talking way too much to people who are working at the place and struck up a conversation with the guy behind the counter.  He asked 'do you have any of my Rolly comics?' (a brief side note, Ledger has a character that he's been drawing for a while named Rolly, he's a silly character who is a donut with wings).  Ledger has been drawing some Rolly comics lately and figured if they sell comics, then why wouldn't they have the ones he's been drawing? (there may be a slight lack of understanding on his part when it comes to how publishing works...).   The man behind the counter humored him and asked him a bit about Rolly.  Taking it all in stride, Ledger said 'well, it would be easier if I just showed you.  Do you have a pen and paper?'  Talk about assertive- look at this kid go!  The employee was really interested and asked him a few questions about Rolly and then told Ledger that he would love to see a Rolly comic.  he then handed Ledger a blank comic book for him to fill in!  I didn't even know there was such a thing!  Oh this pleased Ledger to no end- as soon as we got home he ran straight to the table and started planning out Rolly's big comic book debut.  I happened to notice on Facebook that the comic book store had actually scanned in Ledger's picture of Rolly and wrote up a little bit about him, saying they were pleased to announce the debut of West Michigan's newest comic book creation and artist.  I showed this to Ledger and he was so proud of himself and was even more determined to create an awesome comic book!  He figured when it was done we could bring it back and he could sell it, beginning the Rolly media empire that Ledger dreams will one day happen!

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