big costume decision

For the past couple months Ledger has been really struggling with figuring out what he wants for his Halloween costume.  It's been a big challenge.  Ever since last Halloween he has said that he wants to be cat or a robot, but now as the big day approaches, he's not so sure about those two choices.  It's become a bit of an existential crisis for our little seven year old...  We've been telling him for the past couple weeks that he needs to make his decision so we can get started with making his new costume.  Well, he finally made a decision: he went with neither.  Instead he wanted to use the same costume that he used last year, the classic ghosty!  Except with one important exception, this year he wants to get a witch's hat for it.  We asked him a couple more times to see if he was certain and he was.  After the decision was made, he never wavered.  So we found him the perfect hat, and he was all set for the big day!

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