
About a year and a half ago I happened to be randomly scrolling around on kickstarter and I came across this really cool project that was trying to get funded.  It was for something called a Joto.  I explained it to Diana and sweat talked her into letting me put a pledge in to buy one.  It only took 18 months, but it was finally made and delivered!  We set the thing up and it is awesome!  Here's what it is: its a dry-erase board that has a little mechanism that can draw whatever you want on it.  There's an app that you can download to your phone and sent a doodle from anywhere and it whirrs in to action and draws the picture or message.  We've got it set up now and it is really cool!  I've used a few times already and its very fun.  The whole point of it was that I could send Ledger messages or pictures from work!  I tried it the other day.  I pulled up the app at work and wrote a 'good morning Ledger!' message and drew a silly face.  When I got home I asked he and Diana if they got it and they said that it came through at just the right time: Ledge was sitting at the table eating breakfast before school and it nearly scared him to death when it started whirring into action!  They both got a great laugh out of the startle and were pleased to get a special message from daddy before the school day began.  Mission accomplished!

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