backyard wildlife

We have been really enjoying our time getting settled in to the new house.  We're starting to find spots for everything and get it cozy- feeling like a real home.  One of the reason we got a house was so that we would have our own backyard and a chance to be a part of the community in a why that just doesn't happen in an apartment complex.  Recently one of those reasons has really paid off.  I was looking out our back slider, surveying my kingdom (as one does...), and I happened to notice a shocking sight: there was a deer in our backyard!  I quickly called Ledger over to check it out and we soon realized that I was wrong.  It wasn't one deer- it was five!  Wow!  There are a few acres of woodland behind our house and apparently there is a deer family that lives in it!  We stood and watched those deer for at least 15 minutes, running to the back bedroom window so we could get a better look.  What beautiful creatures!  This. This is why we got a house.

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