ledger's new room

For a few months now Diana's mom and David were planning on going to visit some of his family on the east coast.  They were going to spend some time with Alanna and her son Tavish- Ledger's favorite cousin!  They invited Ledger along for the trip and he was super excited about it!  It just so happens that it's the week end after we move to the new house!  Since we were so busy that week with the move, Diana's mom offered to come and pick him up a day early.
Ledger has been a little apprehensive about the whole move thing and has been very nervous about getting a new room.  He said that he's going to miss his old room so much.  Diana and I really want him to love the new house and his new room, so while he was away we decided to go all out and do something special for his room.  He's always wanted a desk in his room and also loves the bunkbeds at Grandma's house.  We figured we'd put those two things together and miraculously found him a really cool bed/desk combo!  I went and picked it up and we set it up for him, got an area rug that fit the desk perfectly too.  One of Ledger's favorite things to do is play a drawing game on the white board Mema got him for his birthday last year.  I figured it would be pretty cool if we took that idea up a notch and got him some big white boards and put them up on the wall in his room!  The company store where I work sells them for ridiculously cheap, so I picked up a few (for a dollar each!) and we hung them on the wall under the window.  We stopped and picked him up a couple other little things for his room and got it all set up.  I think he will be pretty pleased when he sees the cool new room that's just for him!
(more pics, and his response)

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