off to the cabin!

Cabin time!  It's that annual tradition here again!  Every year a bunch of us guys go up north to the cabin and hand out together for a couple days.  We've been doing this so long that we've almost been doing it more of our life than haven't.  That's crazy.  Some friends have come and gone, but there's always a wonderful togetherness when we go up.  Last year Jon wasn't able to join us, but this year he made extra sure that he would have the time off without excuse!  Aaron, Jon, and I met up with Dusty in Big Rapids and, after a delicious lunch, made our way to the ol' cabin.  We never really know what to expect, some years we've had so much snow that we had to park at the road and hike in, other years we've had no problems.  This year there were a couple big trees in the way of the path!  fortunately, with a little team work, we got the path cleared with only minor delays.  We settled in and did a little big of catching up.  Unfortunately, we see each other less and less these days, so for some of us there was a lot to catch up on.  Even though we don't hang out together as much as we used to, the old friendships don't take much to rekindle.  Before we knew it we were having a blast like usual!  Of course, we did our usual Sporties visit, game playing, and deep talks.  The details of which will forever be shrouded in mystery due to the blood pact we have to make each time we go to the cabin, but it's totally worth it.
(more pics: 1, 2, 3, 4)

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