a new living room

With such a big living room, it was becoming more and more obvious that the furniture we brought from the apartment wasn't going to cut it.  Well, I guess it's time to go look for something that would fit a bit more appropriately to that large space.  Diana and I dropped Ledger off at Mema and Papa's for the afternoon and went couch shopping!  We hit up a few places but were frustrated at either the poor selection or the ridiculous prices.  Art Van always seems to have a sale, but they still don't have reasonable prices...  We eventually found a place with a good looking couch.  We were in the market for a new bed too, so we had planned to buy both.  Just as we were about to go up to the desk to pay, we spotted a completely different couch that we loved even more!  Good thing we had our eyes peeled or we would have missed out on the gem we eventually brought home.  We set up a delivery with them and waited for them to bring everything over.  We spent the day clearing out the space, bringing the apartment furniture down to the basement, and moving our bed to the extra room as well.  The couch was too big to actually fit through the front door so they had to go all the way around the house and come in through the slider!  Eventually they got it in and we got it set up and it looks amazing!  the house is really starting to look better and better- it's become a real home!
(more pics)

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