rex in effects

this past week rex came down and visited! he's had a bit of free time on his hands lately, and since school got out, so have i. i gave him a call early last week and invited him down for some good old fashioned hanging out time. he accepted, and thursday morning he came down! we had really low expectations, we both just wanted to watch some good movies and enjoy each others company. we certainly succeeded in both of those goals! on thursday we first went to the library to get some good movies to watch (hey, the movies are free and we are cheap!). we left with six movies, then proceeded to watch five of them that day! when diana came home she joined in the fun as we ordered some p'zones from pizza hut- delicious!
diana soon went to bed, and the party continued! rex and i watched a couple more movies before calling it a night. friday we got up and got back to the busy work of movie watching! after we finished off the library pile, we got cleaned up and ready for the day. we headed out to return the movies and we stopped by the used dvd shop to sell off some of my old dvds. after stopping off at 7-11 for a slurpee, we went back to the house. with nothing else pressing to do, we watched another movie!
that night diana and i had plans to see a movie with jordan and jonathin, so rex happily tagged along. we were glad to have him with us! after the movie we went to fridays and just hung out and chatted. after we got home, rex packed up and headed home, the next morning we headed to grand rapids as well. it was really great to hang out with rex and have some quality time with him.

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