a penny squished...

ever since the guys and i first went to disney world back in 2000, i have had an obsession with penny crunchers! what's a penny cruncher? its those strange machines that you put a penny in, turn the crank, and out comes a squished penny that has a novelty image printed onto it! i think i squished a couple dozen pennies while we were at disney. well, i've kept an eye out for penny crunchers ever since then, and have turned it into a mini collection. i guess diana shared this strange fascination i have with her sister(i guess shes my sister too, huh? well, sister-in-law anyway...), because she recently sent me one! she was in seattle visiting a few friends recently and sent diana a card. included with that card was a squished penny from seattle! awesome! she's the best sister-in-law ever!

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