cut it out

Our boy has been having hearing problems for a while now.  At first we thought it might just be 'selective hearing'- he never seems to hear us when we ask him to do anything, so we thought maybe it was on purpose because he didn't want to do what we were asking.  We took him to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist and she took one look at him and said 'wow!  He needs his adenoids removed!'  She told us that he had some of the biggest adenoids she had ever seen.  They were so big that they were causing the hardness of hearing, runny noses, bad breath, and even the reason that he would snore and not be able to sleep through the night.  yikes, who knew adenoids could affect so much!  He went in to get an x-ray, and the doctor was able to show us how his looked compared to normal adenoids.  yup, they were huge.  We set a date for him to have surgery.  That date was finally here.  We let school know ahead of time, apparently he would need to be out of school for two full weeks after the surgery.  That was the part that he was pretty excited about... That morning we got up and headed down to Kalamazoo.  He wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything, so fortunately we had an appointment at 8am.  The called us back and were told what to expect.  He was getting a bit nervous, but at least he got to wear his pajamas and bring his stuffed animal friend Leonard.  They hooked up the IV, which was the part that scared him the most, but once that was done he felt pretty good.  After he was out they rolled him away and Diana and I waited in the lobby.  About 45 minutes later the nurse came out and told us that everything went perfectly and we could go back to see him in about 30 minutes.  Finally we were reunited with him and he was doing great!  It was kind of funny because he was definitely a bit loopy from being put under.  He started shivering, but the doctor said that is normal as the body works out the drugs.  He got some juice and cookies as we talked with him about how it went.  At first he asked 'is it done already?'  Since he was unconscious, he hadn't realized that the whole thing had even happened!  After about 20-30 minutes he was feeling great and the doctor said we were free to take him home.  He got a little wheelchair ride out to the car and Diana sat in the back with him to hold him all the way home.  He did amazingly well- a very brave boy!
(more pics)

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