valentines day dinner

We don't usually do anything special on valentine's day.  Well, this year I decided to change that...  I had been plotting and planning for a few weeks without Diana's knowledge, hoping the whole thing would be a surprise for her.  I got out a few hours early from work and headed home, which she was very pleased about.  When I got home I told her she should probably get dressed up.  She was a little confused.  'Why?' she asked. 'You'll see...' I mysteriously answered.  She got all dressed up and so did I.  I complimented her on how she looked, but said it needed something, so I handed her a little jewelry box.  She delightedly opened it up and saw the special necklace I had gotten for her.  It was a purple labradorite- her favorite!  Her excitement grew!  We went and picked up Ledger from school and headed to Grand Rapids.  She was still clueless.  We stopped at my parent's place and dropped of Ledge.  Mom and Papa were in on the plans and were delighted to take our little one for the evening.  We said goodbye and drove off.  Diana was still excitedly confused about what was going on, which was exactly as planned.  I took her downtown Grand Rapids and we found a parking spot.  It was pretty cold, so we quickly walked over to our destination, the tapas restaurant San Chez.  I had booked us a reservation, which are pretty hard to come by for valentines day.  Diana was quite delighted, we have been here a few times and really love it.  About five years ago we had a special anniversary dinner together there, which was magical.  We had a really wonderful time eating amazing food and getting a little time together just the two of us.  The food really was outstanding, and we even splurged on their tasty dessert.  The whole thing was really lovely and Diana was about as pleased as could be about the necklace and the special dinner.  As we finished eating she said that she was so thankful and impressed with how much I had planned for her.  That's when I let her know the night had only just begun...
(more pics)

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