birthday countdown

With our little boy's 8th birthday coming up at the end of the month, Diana and I decided to make it a special one.  Lately he's been really in to collecting the little mini figures from Minecraft.  I happened to find about 30 of them for really cheap, so the plan is to dole them out one by one so each one can be special.  Our thought was to give him one each day leading up to his birthday.  I made a cute little way to reveal them for him each morning when he wakes up.  The figure goes under the egg and the post-it gets updated each night. That first morning it came as quite a surprise to him and he was delighted!  For the rest of the month he would get up a little earlier so he could see what was under that egg, often followed by racing into our room, waking us up, to tell us what his newest figure was!

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