crunch crunch crunch!

i am a collector. i like to collect stuff. among my interests are such collections as comic books, rocks, cds, dvds, toys, etc. one of the silliest things i collect are pressed pennies. have you ever seen one of those penny cruncher machines? they usually have them at touristy type places. you put in a penny and fifty cents and you turn the crank and out comes a penny with an imprint of the image on the machine. stupid, i know. but for some reason i think they are totally cool. it all started years ago when my buddies and i went to disney world. we were there and we spotted one of these penny crunchers. i was enamored! we laughed at it for a while, then i decided i would give it a shot. i really dug it, and have gotten one every time i see one of those cruncher machines. i think ive got quite a few crunched pennies by now. i know, im a loser. ive made peace with that long ago...

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