Trick or Treat!

There were a few restrictions in place this year, but Halloween was not canceled! Its a good thing too, I don't know if Ledger could have handled that... We got the boy all fixed up in his inflatable jack-o-lantern costume and headed out. We've been at this a few years in Allegan, so we kind of know the best places to trick-or-treat. There are a couple places in town that have more participation than others. We made our way through those sections of town and Ledger's bucket quickly filled up! The funny thing though is that he doesn't really care much about the candy- we still have some candy left over from last year! The most important part to Ledger is being able to go out and show off his costume and admire everyone else's costumes! He had a really fun time and went door to door well into the dark! By the time we got home we had one exhausted little boy!

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