Barbara's Saved Treasures

Ledger's favorite thing in the world: a visit from his Auntie B! It had been a while, so Barbara and James decided to stop by and spend the day with us. Mostly we just hung out and chatted, but as a special treat, Barbara brought over a couple boxes. Inside those boxes were all the papers from Diana and Barbara's childhood! B had gotten them from their mom years ago when she sold the home they had grown up in. Barbara had stashed them away in her basement for all these years but decided it was time to go through them with Diana. Oh, the nostalgia! The two of them spent the next hour or two laughing and reminiscing over each sheet. There were tons of papers in there, everything from high school essays to kindergarten drawings! Ledger found some Diana's drawings from elementary school absolutely hilarious! What a fun walk down memory lane! 

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