Our Own Fireworks

The 4th of July is quickly upon us! Opting not to attend any of the fireworks shows, instead we decided to have our own. Ledger and I went to the local firework stand and bought about thirty bucks worth of little fireworks. As it started to get dark, all three of us set up a little station at the end of our driveway to light off and enjoy a the light show. I set up the hard rule that I was going to be the one to light them off, but Ledge could choose which one was next. Reluctantly he agreed to this, but really really wanted to be the one to hold the lighter.
We started off, as one should always do, with sparklers! He was already having a blast, we hardly even needed anything else! Then we moved on to the different candles, poppers, and bangers. Each one pleased Ledger more and more! Our meager supply lasted us about 45 minutes, which was more than enough to fulfill our fireworks craving! By the time we finished the last one it was completely dark. Satisfied with the display we created, we packed it in and headed back inside. Another successful 4th!
(more pics)

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