Egg Drop

Unfortunately Ledger missed the day of school this past year where they did the 'egg drop challenge'. He was pretty disappointed that he missed it. We told him at the time that we could do the challenge ourselves at home over the summer. Little did we know that he would actually remember that little promise!
We agreed to it, so we gathered up a bunch of crafty type stuff and he did some brainstorming to try and think of the best way to drop an egg from a high distance and not have it crack. His excitement of overcoming the challenge was infectious as we all got in on the planning. He gathered up some cups, cotton balls, sponges, and a lot of tape. He felt pretty confident about his engineering prowess, talking us through each step of the process.
I pulled out the ladder and even let him climb up onto the roof of the house so he could drop his creation. That confidence was well founded because when it hit the ground hard it stayed in one piece and the egg was uncracked! He was so proud of himself! He tried it a few more times, throwing it up as far as he could, but it still survived. Well done, our little engineer!
(more pics)

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