car problems

last weekend i was stuck at home. friday morning i got ready for school, and when i go out to the car, ready to leave, i turn the key in the ignition. nothing. no clicks, no klunks, just nothing. i quickly gave matt a call. he had just pulled in to school and was nice enough to come and pick me up. friday afternoon rachel brings me back home, and i do what any reasonable man would do: i try and convince my three 'car guy' friends to come down and visit me that weekend! 'so, jeffry lee, what to come and visit?' 'why?' 'oh, no reason...'
the ruse doesnt work. saturday matt and dan stop by (dan is a mechanic and can easily fix it, but he does charge for it) he lifts the car and starts wacking the starter. 'try it now' i do, and it rumbles to life. we drive back to dans house, because hes got a huge garage and tons of rad tools to make my problem go away.
cut to monday afternoon, the cars done and all is well once again in me-land. it set me back a bit, but i knew it was coming. even before the problems started last weekend, i knew car problems were in my future. i knew something was going to happen because i was currently in the perfect storm: recently ive been able to have a little extra padding in my account, my car just passed the hundred thousand mile point, and i almost have it paid off. i would have been amazed if i didnt have car problems!
oh well, it could have been a lot worse...

1 comment:

lauren said...

There's not worst than car problems..My car is still in a garage right now, they are replacing nissan muffler and i'm anticipating the expenses. phew...