girls versus boys

we recently headed up to grand rapids to see the family again. it had been quite a while since our last visit- we hadnt seen them since christmas! we arrived friday night because my mom and sister made plans to attend a women's weekend in holland and invited diana to join them! soon after we arrived i tucked diana into bed, she had an early morning with the ladies ahead. well, i didnt have an early morning ahead, so i went back out and stopped over to see the guys. i spent an hour or two with jeffry lee, aaron, keith, and freddie at the guys place just chilling out and chatting. we soon realized that we were all very hungry, so we took the show on the road and spent an hour or two at denny's chowing down! we had a great time, and nobody ended up shirtless.
the next morning diana and mom headed out to pick up jill and go to holland. papa and i got to spend the day together! we didnt really have anything planned, but knew we were up for something. we ended up going to lunch with tim and the kids at new beginnings. it was great to see the kids again- bubba is getting so old! though this picture might show otherwise, he is getting so big and mature! give him another year or two and he will be more mature than his uncle...
after lunch papa and i went back home. i had brought home a bunch of movies in case papa wanted to watch them, so we decided to put one in and have a movie afternoon! we watched the new star trek, papa and i have always enjoyed star trek together so i was eager for him to see this one. he enjoyed it and we enjoyed our time together. within a couple hours the girls were back home and we got some pizzas! barbara had the weekend off, so she joined us as well. diana said that she had a good time with mom and jill (and a couple cousins and an aunt who went along too!) and loved having the time together.
(more pics)

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