new blogs

over the past couple days i have been introduced to a couple new blogs and i felt like i should share in the wonderment and awe of them. the first one i have recently been checking out is by shaun groves. if you are wondering who exactly that is, well you are not alone. when i first went to go check it out i had no idea who he was. andrew osenga, a musician who i trust completely, suggested the site. i dont know if andrew knows shaun, or if its just an admiration, but i now have that same admiration. shaun is a songwriter and musician. i still have yet to hear any of his stuff, but i truly appreciate his opinions and well written thoughts. if you need a quick introduction, he has written one himself that links to some of his more thought-provoking posts. it is here. i checked out most of these former posts and now am compelled to check his site for more nuggets of wisdom each day.

the other new blog i have come across is by someone whom i already hold in high regard. his name is ronnie martin. he is a musician as well. the big difference thought between his music and anyone elses music is the fact that ronnies music is the best in the entire world. not even remotely an exaggeration. granted, i am incredibly bias, but im right, so its ok. anyway... ronnie has decided that journaling on his bands website should be focused on the music and what he is up to in the studio. he also wanted to share some of his more personal thoughts and musings, so he has created a personal blog. ah, now i will know what it is like to look into the mind of a genius.
can life get any better? i submit that it cannot.

ps. it looks like b.t. is going to give it another go- so make sure you check him out too!

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