SpongeBob MusicalPants

Allegan Public High School has a really strong theater program, and this year Ledger was especially interested in going to the fall musical. Why, you might ask? Because the musical they were putting on was Spongebob Squarepants the Musical! We had seen the posters all around town for a couple months leading up to it, and then the week of the show some of the high school kids who were performing in it came to the elementary school for an assembly. They had a drawing to give away tickets to the show as well as a special behind-these-scenes visit before the show. Well, wouldn't you know it, Ledger was one of the 6 lucky winners!
The night of the show we grabbed dinner and went to the high school about an hour before the show and got to see all the cool stuff they had planned for us. They took him up on stage to check out the sets, backstage with the performers to see them practice the choreography, and into the music room as they cast rehearsed. In each of the three areas they talked through the process with the kids and had them participate a little as well. Ledger absolutely loved it! I've rarely seen him so attentive and interested! What a fun little opportunity for younger kids to see the fun of being a theater kid in high school. I think it worked too, because Ledge kept telling me how he wants to do that when he gets to high school!
After the behind-the-scenes look, it was time to find our seats, sit back, and enjoy the show! It was a pretty fun performance which Ledger absolutely loved. I think he may have caught the acting bug...

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