the projectionist

Our little movie theater here in Allegan is pretty special. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with this small town and planted my family here to live. Turns out, I'm not the only one who really loves that theater. A filmmaker recently used it as a location to film their short film 'the Projectionist'. He finished the movie and as a thank you to the Allegan community, he held a free screening of the movie for anyone who wanted to check it out. A movie premiere? count me in!
The place was packed with friends and those who worked on the short. The director was there to introduce the film and talk a little about the work that went into making it. It was really interesting to get a little peek behind how much effort and creativity must go in to pulling off a film on a tight budget. The film itself is about a little boy in World War II Germany who want to reopen the movie theater in town but the only ones who know how to run the projector were the jews that had been run out of town. After the film there was a Q & A and discussion. A fun event that could only happen here in Allegan!

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