just the two of us

my work schedule is pretty awesome, I only work three days a week (granted, its 12 hour days though) which means I get 4 days off a week.  i'm spoiled, I know.  will all this time off it means I get to spend a bunch of time with diana!  usually we just do stuff around the house or run errands, but every once in a while I can talk her in to going to see a movie with me!  we don't really have a babysitter in our town that we use, so if we want to have a special date night together, we actually have to made it a date day and go out together while ledger is at school.  there is a movie theater a few miles away that actually opens up at 9am, so we just go see an early matinee and go out for lunch afterward.  
see, romance is still alive, right?

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