diy mcbreakfast

every once in a while on saturday morning before diana heads off to work, she will ask me to go get some breakfast from the fast food place. its always really yummy, but i recently decided to try and make one of their breakfast sandwiches myself! we had the eggs, cheese, sausages, and english muffins, so i figured i would give it a go. diana doesnt care for this type of breakfast sandwich, so it was something just for me. turns out its harder to do that i thought it would be! the making of the different items is easy enough, the challenge comes from trying to time it all right. i was trying to coordinate the microwave for the sausage, the stove for the egg, and the toaster for the muffin to all finish at the same time. for the most part it worked and the cheese even melted just right! it was an especially delicious morning for me! diana didnt seem to be as pleased as i was by it, but maybe thats because she was heading out the door for a days work and i was starting a day of doing nothing at all!


Anonymous said...

Mark - isn't that suppose to be DIY? Just sayin...

mb said...
