Restaurant Night

Sunday nights are Ledger's favorite night of the week. Seems strange that he would love that one so much, right? It means its the end of the weekend and he's got to go to bed on time again with school starting in the morning. So why does he love it so much? Well, because it's restaurant food night!
For many years now, Sunday night has been the one night a week that we get restaurant food. It goes back to when I worked the weekend shift at Haworth. I would come home Sunday evening from work, exhausted from three 12+ hour shifts in three days, and I was not at all interested in trying to think about what we should have for dinner. Diana, having just come off of three 12+ hour shifts of being a single parent while I was at work, doesn't want to think about preparing food either! Our solution? We would always get restaurant food that night. It became such a habit that we got to expect it every week. Ledge would ask if we could get restaurant food though out the week and we could always say 'we'll have some on Sunday'.
Even though I don't work the weekends any more, its become such a tradition at this point that it would almost feel weird not to get restaurant food on Sunday night! Ledge's favorites at the moment are Pizza Hut and Wendy's (the two most expensive, of course...).

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