Hospital Visit

Papa's not feeling so good. The doctors found something on his lung and he had to go in for surgery. Due to his past health issues, he had to have the surgery in Ann Arbor, so that meant the extended family took a little trip. The surgery was on a Friday, so I got home from work, took a little nap, and drove down there to spend time with him. I got there late afternoon and got to spend time with Mom, Chad, Miyuki, their son, and my lovely aunt Marline! A bunch of other family members were there before he went in to surgery but had to leave before I got there.
Soon after I arrived, Papa was wheeled into his recovery room. He was pretty out of it, understandably, but he got to be surrounded by loved ones after a successful surgery. After a bit of visiting, we let him get some rest and made our way to the hotel for the night. All of us met up in Mom's room and had a nice sandwich dinner together.
In the morning we went back to the hospital and saw Papa, this time he was a little less loopy from the drugs. We had a good laugh because he didn't even remember that we saw him the day before! We spend some good time with him and found out the mass was benign- what a relief!
When it was finally time to go I had the absolute pleasure of bringing aunt Marline home! We got to spend the two hour trip together chatting and catching up. She is so wonderful- I love her so much! The trip back was filled with so much laughter, and her favorite part was when I asked her if she wanted some special sweets. She said 'of course!' so I surprised her with a little visit to Sweetwater's Donuts! We each got one to eat and she even got a dozen more to give to the rest of her family.
By the time I dropped her off, we both decided that we need to go on road trips together more often!

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