Oh Deer.

All was going well with our Christmas celebrations in Indiana. Diana and I planned to head home and leave Ledger with his grandparents for a couple extra days. On our way home we were excitedly talking about how we get to have a couple carefree days with just the two of us. Unfortunately, a deer had other plans for us... We had made it almost the entire way home, we were about 10 minutes south of Allegan when it came out of someone's backyard and straight into the front fender of our new car! We hit that thing pretty good, I tell you what. I immediately pulled off the road to check the damage. Unfortunately I couldn't because the driver door wouldn't open! So Diana got out so I could shimmy out through the passenger side door. I got a look at the damage, and it was vast. the biggest problem was the wheel well had broken and made it undrivable. We called the police and they arrived quite quickly. We explained the situation and they got a tow truck on the scene. It took about 15-20 minutes for them to arrive and take the vehicle away. The cops asked if we had anyone who could come and pick us up. It was the day after Christmas and everyone was still doing holiday things, so we told them no. So guess what? We got to have a ride in the back of a police car! A first time experience for  both of us. We grabbed our stuff, and to make it even more awkward, we also had to grab our dog! The three of us piled into the plastic backseat of the police car and took a quick ride home. We laughed about what the neighbors might think, seeing us pour out of a police car!
Now comes the headache of trying to get it fixed...

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