Christmas Morn

The beautiful sight we woke up to on Christmas morning! Our tree was filled with presents underneath it! Diana always says I get the boy too many gifts. She talks about how when she was growing up they only got two or three gifts for Christmas and the gifts weren't even wrapped, they were in paper bags. That always makes me so sad to hear! I grew up with a tree overflowing with gifts- my parents couldn't even fit them all under the tree, they overflowed into the middle of the living room! Granted, there were three of us kids, so it makes sense that there would be more, but we were always really spoiled at Christmas with too many gifts. I always loved those mornings, getting all those gifts, and I want Ledger to have the same experience. Spoiled? Yes, but that's my prerogative as his daddy!
He was obviously pumped to open his prizes! Once breakfast was done, we dug right in and got to work unwrapping all them gifts. First things first, we turned the TV on to one of those fireplace videos, specifically the Frozen one on Disney+. That, of course, set just the right mood for the whole event. We took our time unwrapping, taking time to play with each new gift. Diana had a couple gifts as well- and so did the dog! We finally finished up with the festivities by noon and spend the rest of the afternoon playing with our new loot!
(more pics: 1, 2)

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