This Year's Stan

Every year, as required by my son, we must make a snowman. We have been doing this since he was just a year or two old. When he was little his favorite things in the whole world were ghosties and snowmans (always the plural 'snowmans', never 'snowmen'). Ledger asks every time is snows 'Is it good snow for a snowman?' and usually it isn't. So we wait. Finally this week, with snow on the ground the temperature starting to climb, which of course, makes it perfect weather for a snowman. It was time. I peeked into the living room and sang that familiar song 'Do you want to build a snowman?' from Frozen. His eyes began to sparkle, 'Really?!?' Yup, today's the day! We both suited up into our warm snow gear and headed out to the front yard. We played around in the snow for a bit first, but then got to work rolling the snow so we could make our annual Stan (that's the snowman's name every year).
Once we made a good stack of snow balls, we went into the garage to find our ol' snowman kit. A gift from Grandma years ago, it's got all the parts needed to make the snowman just right. We smoothed him out and shaped the snow so it looked perfect. We walked into the woods in the back yard to find just the right arms for him, and then assembled all the different parts. And voila! Stan lives another day!

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