
 One of our family's favorite activities is snuggin'. We've been doing it for years. There are, of course, different types of snuggin', but all of them involve us hugging or just being close with each other. Sometimes its laying on the couch, sometimes its laying on the bed, or even laying on the floor. We just kind of lean on each other and enjoy being close. Some of the different types are 'tech snuggin', that means we just snuggle up close to each other and play on our own devices. Diana or I are usually on our phone and Ledger is drawing on his tablet. We do 'reading snugs', which means we get close and each have a book. This one usually leads to me falling asleep... And then there's just plain snuggin', that's where we cuddle up next to each other and have a good chat. I ask him about his day, what he learned, what he liked, what he wants to do better tomorrow. You know, that kind of stuff. It's certainly one of our favorite times of the day! Sometimes the stinky dog even joins us...

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