Young Papa

Last time we were at my parents' house, my mom pulled out this old photo. With them moving recently, she had been going through all of their old photo albums and she came across this picture of my dad in sixth grade. We were all shocked at how much Ledger looks like him! Ledger's in the middle of sixth grade, so he is one year younger than Papa in this picture. So crazy!
You know how sometimes when you look at someone's child you can tell they are related just by looking at them? Growing up I would look at my dad and see that I definitely looked like him. I always assumed the same would be true when I eventually had kids. Well, here I am with a 10 year old and I look and him and don't see myself in there at all! Other people say they see it, but I thought it would be obvious to me too. Now that I look at this picture, I can see that Ledger definitely has our genes!

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