Sailors Reunion

 We seemed to have skipped right past 20 years and landed on a 25 year reunion! Recently an invite appeared on Facebook for a high school reunion. I remember a long time ago going to our ten year reunion which we had downtown Grand Rapids at a bar. I had been living out of town so it was kind of a big deal to come up and attend. Back then I was just a twentysomething bachelor living in Indiana. My how times have changed!
I wasn't sure if I was entirely interested in going. Most of the people from my high school I still stay in touch with, like Aaron and Dusty. I brought it up to Diana and she was kind of interested, so I talked to Aaron and asked him if he was going. He said he'd go if I go. Alright, I guess we're going then!
One of the girls from my class decided to throw the whole thing together, so we contacted her and let her know we were in. It was at a rented out room in a bar/restaurant in Caledonia. We dropped off the boy at Mema and Papa's, and headed over. On the way I was regaling Diana with different stories about high school and tried to let her know about some of the people she might meet. We got there right on time and were some of the first people there. Aaron came just a minute or two after us. I tell you what, it was so weird to walk in there and watch as people started to come in! It was really strange to see all the old faces- except now they are old faces! Not everyone brought their spouses, but then again, not everyone has such a beautiful spouse to show off... The two of us found a table with Aaron and sat down, catching Diana up on some of the people we recognized. Dusty and Carrie soon arrived and joined us. I have to admit, there were quite a few people I didn't recognize- guess I should have brought a yearbook! It was interesting to catch up with a bunch of them and hear about where life has taken them, but I can't say I really want to hang out with any of them any time soon. Now I see why they only do these things every 10-15 years...

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